Rules and Guidelines – Quarterly Contest

  1. Granbury Writers’ Bloc (GWB)

    Quarterly Writing Contest

    Rules & Submission Guidelines

    (October 2022)

    1. All entries must be the author’s original work. Use of previously published plotlines, characters, and fictitious worlds invented by another author is prohibited (i.e., “fan fiction” is not allowed).
    2. Entries shall be in electronic format, typed, double-spaced, in 12-pt Times New Roman font, with 1” margins all around. Entries shall be paginated for ease of internal reference. Entries must be submitted in MS Word (.doc or .docx file formats). File names shall be the title of the story only (example: MyStory.doc or MyStory.docx). The author’s name or initials should not appear in the file name (see #3 below).
    3. This is a “double-blind” contest, i.e., the judges will not know the identity of the authors, and vice-versa. Submissions shall omit the author’s name from the header, title, and text of his/her story, as well as from any file names. Please ensure your name (or pen name) appears in your forwarding email.
    4. Entries shall have a maximum size of 1,500 words (strict), unless otherwise specified for a particular month. Maximum word counts will include the story title. Exceeding the maximum word count will disqualify the entry. It is the author’s responsibility to verify the maximum word count for each monthly contest.
    5. Entries shall be submitted electronically by midnight on January 31, April 30, July 31, and October 31.
    6. Entries should be sent to in the format specified above.
    7. The submission fee is $20 for the first entry and $15 for subsequent entries within the quarterly contest. An author may submit more than one entry for each contest by paying the reduced submission fee for each entry. Submitted entries without supporting fees will not be reviewed or judged.
    8. Payment can be made using PayPal via GWB’s website ( Entrant may either use their PayPal account, or any major credit card using this link. As an alternative, mail a check to the GWB Treasurer.
    9. Entries will be judged in six categories: Opening, Plot, Characterization, Setting, Style, and Impact. Complete details of judging criteria may be found on the GWB’s website ( Judges will not read or score disqualified entries (see #s 4 and 7, above).
    • Winners will be notified via email, and all authors will receive their story’s respective score sheet with any comments from the judge(s). Results of the contest, along with the winning stories, will be published on the GWB website ( The 1st Place story will appear in the GWB monthly newsletter. Authors may withhold publication of their stories on the website to preserve the story’s ‘never published’ status. NOTE: GRB reserves the right to withhold publication of stories with content deemed too graphically violent or too sexually explicit. The determination of what is deemed too violent or explicit for publication rests solely with GWB contest officials and judges.
    • The winning monthly essays will receive a cash prize of $100 for the winner, $50 for 2ndPlace, and $25 for 3rd Recognition for 2nd and 3rd place will be published in the newsletter and on the website with the story title and author’s name.
    • Top 30 stories may be published in future GWB publications.

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