A set of rules to conduct meetings allowing everyone to be heard and to make decisions without confusion.
Order of Business
- Call to order.
- Minutes of last meeting.
- Officer’s reports.
- Committee reports.
- Old business.
- New business.
Order of Moving Motions
- Make a motion.
- Second the motion.
- Debate the motion.
- Amend the motion. (optional)
- Vote on the motion (call the question)
Making a Motion
- Address the chair & obtain the floor (“Mr. Chairman, I move that…”)
- The Chair will ask for a second. If no second, the motion dies.
- The Chair will repeat the motion and ask if discussion is needed.
- If anyone desires discussion, the mover speaks first defending/explaining his/her motion.
- All debate is directed to the Chair. All members are allowed to speak once before anyone may speak a second time, including the mover.
- The motion may be modified during discussion. The Chair should restate the question (motion) after each modification.
- The motion may be tabled for future consideration by majority vote.
- After discussion, the Chair asks if the members are “ready for the question” (ready to vote).
- The Chair conducts the vote, either by voice (“aye/nay”), roll call, or by written secret ballot.