
(Revised November 25, 2023)


ARTICLE I.                                           NAME

Section 1. Name. The name of the organization is Granbury Writers’ Bloc, hereinafter abbreviated as GWB. This organization is an incorporated organization under 501 (c) (3) IRS regulations and the laws of the State of Texas. IRS EIN: 30-0607106.

ARTICLE II.                                          PURPOSE

Section 1. Purpose. The purpose of GWB is to support writers, including local students, in their writing activities, including critique and improvement of their writing skills, publishing, networking, marketing, and education.

Section 2. Political Restrictions. No activities of the organization shall attempt to influence legislation, and the organization shall not participate in, or intervene in (including publishing or distribution of statements) any political campaign on behalf of or in opposition to any political party or candidate for public office.

ARTICLE III.                                        MEMBERSHIP

Section 1. General. Membership in GWB is open to all people sixteen (16) years of age or older, regardless of race, color, national origin, citizenship, ethnicity, religion, age, political affiliation, gender, sexual preference, or sexual orientation. People under the age of 16 may attend events if accompanied by a parent.

Section 2. Members. A member in good standing is an individual who meets the qualifications of ARTICLE III, Section 3, and whose dues are paid in full to GWB’s Treasurer (ARTICLE III, Section 4). A member shall be entitled to all membership benefits of GWB, including the right to vote at general membership meetings and the right to stand for election as an officer in GWB.

Section 3. Qualifications of Members. Any individual who is interested in writing and in meeting with others of like interests shall be eligible to become a member of GWB. Members shall be eligible to receive GWB’s official publications and to participate in all meetings, workshops, study groups, critique groups, conferences, and other GWB activities.

Section 4. Dues. Membership shall be awarded only after payment of GWB dues. (See ARTICLE VIII, Section 3.)

Section 5. Use of Organization Name. The GWB name may be used only to promote or stimulate interest in GWB or other writing organizations and writing activities.

Section 6. Use of Membership List. GWB’s membership list is for internal use only and may not be released to outside sources. Individual member information (i.e., contact information) will only be released to other members with the expressed written consent of the member.

ARTICLE IV.                                        DUTIES OF OFFICERS

Section 1. President. The President shall act as Chairperson of the Executive Board and shall, in general, supervise the business and affairs of GWB. Except as provided by these bylaws, and unless expressly proscribed or otherwise directed by the Board, the President shall have the authority to act on behalf of GWB. He/she is the official spokesperson of GWB and shall perform all duties incident to the office of President.

President shall be a member ex-officio of all standing and ad hoc committees and shall be notified of all committee meetings.

Section 2. Vice President. The Vice President shall oversee organizing and coordinating the GWB’s regular meetings and shall enlist other members to assist him or her in that endeavor. The Vice President shall substitute for the President in the President’s absence. The Vice President shall perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board.

In the event of an absence or vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President will assume the office of the President for the remainder of the term.

Section 3. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all general, special, and Board meetings and email to the membership. The Secretary shall also conduct appropriate correspondence and sign official documents as required. The Secretary shall mail or email all the official notices, unless otherwise directed by the Board. The Secretary shall perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board.

In the absence of the President and Vice President, the Secretary shall perform the duties of the President.

Section 4. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall supervise the fiscal affairs of GWB by: (1) maintaining the organization’s bank and other account(s); (2) receiving and distributing all monies of the organization; (3) making written or oral reports of GWB’s financial status at general membership and Board meetings; (4) making a detailed written annual report to the Board and general membership at the November meeting; (5) maintaining books and records so that they can be inspected by any member of GWB; (6) maintaining an up-to-date list of all members in good standing; and (7) notifying the Board of any new members that have joined the organization. The Treasurer shall perform other duties as assigned by the President and the Board.

In the absence of the President, Vice President, and Secretary, the Treasurer shall perform the duties of the President.

Section 5. Past President. The immediate past President may serve as a non-elected officer of GWB. The Past President shall provide the Board with counsel, guidance, and advice to foster continuity of operations and to preserve institutional knowledge. If the immediate past President is unable or unwilling to serve in this capacity, the Board may appoint a member in good standing as a member-at-large to fill this position.

Section 6. Members At-large. Two members in good standing will be elected each year to serve at-large positions on the Executive Board (see ARTICLE V). These members shall provide counsel, guidance, and advice to the Board and shall assist the Board in the execution of its duties.

Section 7. Requirements. Only members in good standing may hold office.

Section 8. Term of Office. The officers shall serve a term of one year. Officers may be re-elected to the same office on consecutive years.

ARTICLE V.                                         EXECUTIVE BOARD

Section 1. General Responsibilities. The affairs of GWB shall be governed by the Executive Board, which shall be answerable to the general membership. The Executive Board shall (1) coordinate the plans and activities of the organization; (2) appoint chairs of all committees; (3) solicit nominations for officers and the Board in June of each year; (4) determine the amount of any expenditure, including speaker fees; and (5) review the Treasurer’s books in November of each year.

Section 2. Membership. The Board shall consist of six elected members. The elected members are President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and two at-large Board Members.

Section 3. Board Meetings. Regular meetings of the Board shall be at a time and place set by the President with the consent of the majority of the Board. The President shall set the agenda and preside at meetings of the Board. Board meetings shall be managed using an abbreviated form of Robert’s Rules of Order (see ADDENDUM 1). Regular Board meetings shall be open to all members in good standing, although they are not permitted to vote in matters of Board business.

Section 4. Special Board Meetings. Special Board meetings may be called by the President, or by at least two members of the Board.

Section 5. Notice of Meetings. All Board members shall be notified of a regular meeting not fewer than seven days before such meetings, and of a special meeting not fewer than three days before such meetings. Such notice may be given in the same manner as notice of membership meetings, or it may be given by telephone or email. Such notice shall state the time, place, and purpose of the meeting.

Section 6. Voting Procedures. A majority of the Board shall constitute a quorum for transacting business at any meeting of the Board. A vote of the majority of those Board Members who are present is required for all decisions made during a regular meeting of the Board. Should the Board lack a quorum at a regularly scheduled meeting, any vote taken shall be presented for ratification at a subsequent meeting of the Board.

Unusual circumstances may dictate that Board-level decisions be made at a time between regular or special Board meetings. In such cases, Board-level decisions may be made via an electronic vote. The President shall determine what constitutes an “unusual circumstance” to allow this form of decision making. Electronic votes may be in the form of email, text, or telephone.

Section 7. Vacancies. If a vacancy occurs among the Board members, the President shall appoint a replacement, with the approval of the Board, to serve the unexpired term.

Section 8. Removal. Any member of the Board may be removed from office for justifiable cause by at least a two-thirds majority vote of the general membership.

Section 9. Compensation. Board members shall receive no compensation from GWB for their services as officers and/or Board members but may be reimbursed for reasonable expenses incurred in the course of their service. (See ARTICLE IX, Section 6.) Officers shall remain entitled to the same benefits and voting privileges from GWB as other members.

ARTICLE VI.                                        COMMITTEES

Section 1. Committees. The Board shall determine the need for and shall establish any committees that will assist GWB in achieving its purpose (ARTICLE II, Section 1).

Section 2. Committee Chairs. The Board shall appoint chairpersons for each committee, and the chairs in turn will recruit and appoint members to their respective committees. Depending upon their purpose and function, some committees will have only one member, that of committee chair.

Section 3. Advisory Committee: At the discretion of the President, an Advisory Committee of experienced writers may be formed to provide insights and perspectives on writing and publishing. The Committee shall be composed of not more than three members in good standing and shall meet as often as needed. The Committee will report to the President or general membership when appropriate.


Section 1. Nominating Chairperson: At the discretion of the President, a Nominating Chairperson may be appointed to solicit and tabulate nominations for Executive Board officers and at-large Board members. The Chairperson shall report nominations to the President and membership at the July and/or August meetings.

 Section 2. Nominations. In July of each year, the Board shall solicit nominations from members in good standing for the offices of President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and the two at-large Board member positions. Members may nominate themselves or other members for any office. The Board will contact all nominees for consent of nomination.

Section 3. Presentation. In August of each year, the Board shall present a list of nominees at GWB’s regular monthly meeting. Additional names may be added at this meeting. Nominees must be on this list to be candidates for the September election.

Section 4. Election. The annual election of officers and Board members shall occur at the GWB’s regular September meeting. Unopposed candidates shall be elected by acclamation. Contested offices shall be elected via written secret ballot at the meeting. Members can vote in person or can submit an electronic vote to the Secretary. Absentee ballots and proxy ballots will not be accepted. Ties will be decided by a written secret ballot from members present.

Section 5. Term. Duly elected officers shall take office immediately following election at the September meeting. The immediate Past President shall assume his/her office as soon as the new President is installed. The term of office shall be for one year (see ARTICLE IV, Section 8).

ARTICLE VIII.                                      MEMBER MEETINGS

Section 1. General Membership Meetings. GWB shall hold a general membership business meeting  as needed. Minutes of the previous meeting, plus the Treasurer’s report, will be made available at each subsequent meeting of the general membership. The President shall set the agenda and preside at meetings. Meetings shall be managed using an abbreviated form of Robert’s Rules of Order (see ADDENDUM 1).

ARTICLE IX.                                        FINANCES

Section 1. Fiscal Year. GWB’s fiscal year shall be from October 1 to September 30 each year.

Section 2. Dues. Dues are payable annually by January 1 of each year for the period January 1 – December 31.

Section 3. Amount of Dues. The amount of annual dues will be set by the Board each year. Should the Board recommend a change in dues, it must be approved by members present at a regularly scheduled monthly business meeting. In addition, the issue shall be announced one month prior to the scheduled vote along with a brief rationale for the change.

Section 4. Expenditures. Expenditures may be approved by a majority vote of the Board, taken either orally or electronically (See ARTICLE V, Section 6).

Section 5. Net Earnings. No part of the net earnings of the organization shall be used for the benefit of, or be distributable to, its members, officers, or other private persons, except that the organization shall be authorized and empowered to pay reasonable compensation for services rendered and to make payments and distributions in furtherance of the purposes set forth in the purpose clause (ARTICLE II, Section 1).

Section 6. Reimbursement. No general member or Board member will be reimbursed for expenses in excess of $50.00 unless approved by two other members of the Board.

Section 7. Distribution of Assets. Upon dissolution of the organization, all assets shall be distributed to the Hood County Library.

ARTICLE X.                                          REVISIONS

Section 1. Frequency. The Executive Board will review these bylaws annually and will recommend revisions as it deems necessary.

Section 2. Promulgation. The Board shall publish proposed revisions to these Bylaws at least one month prior to presentation at a regularly scheduled monthly business meeting.

Section 3. Approval. A majority of members present at the meeting plus members who submitted an electronic vote must approve any revisions. The changes will take effect immediately upon approval. A full copy of the bylaws will be published on the GWB website.

ARTICLE XI.                                        EFFECTIVE DATE

These Bylaws shall become effective when approved by a simple majority of members attending the November 25, 2023 general membership business meeting.


President                                                        Date


Vice President                                                Date


Secretary                                                         Date


Treasurer                                                        Date


Past President/Member at Large                   Date

Writers' workshop and writing group