
Yes, I’m bragging on two of our most faithful members. Brian and Mary Lou Condike have had a great week of success. The good news is their success can be your success. For the past few years the dynamic dual have set in motion a monthly short story contest to give members  encouragement and to practice and improve our writing skills. Their own write has improved so much they have now began receiving awards on a state level.

In the Katheryn Mc Clatchy 2018 Flash Fiction  Contest, sponsored by the Writers Guild of Texas, both of Condikes placed as follows:

1st Place – Brian (“Any Dang Fool”) – $150 and the short-story will appear in their newsletter and on their website in April.
3rd Place – ML (“A Purple Lizard”) – $50 It will appear in their newsletter and on their website in February.

“We attribute our success to participation in the monthly contest sponsored by the GWB. “ Mary Lou said. “ I always enter for feedback only and Brian enters under a pen name.” 




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