Beverly Harrison

Beverly Harrison






Beverly joined the Writer’s Beverly joined the Writer’s Bloc about five years ago when a clerk at the now closed Blockbuster told her about our group of writers. She stepped in to support the club and accepted the position of secretary/treasurer when the previous officer retired. The position was split at one point, but has looked after the club finances ever since.

In her youth, Beverly attended the Grand Prairie schools and studied at the University of Texas at Arlington. For the past 33 years she has worked at Lockheed Martin.

Beverly moved to Hill City in 1991 where she resides with her husband and daughter, Holli. She also has a daughter Jaime who lives in Azle. Beverly has no siblings and her parents are deceased.

When Beverly isn’t working, she writes fan fiction. Fan fiction stories are published in a private library. She also has stories published in the Granbury Writer’s Bloc anthologies.

Beverly has provided guidance and support to her daughter, Holli, a young writer who is coming into her own.

Writers' workshop and writing group